Property Owners, Homeowners, Builders, Realtors, Developers

Retaining walls are deceptively expensive — $25,000 to $350,000 is fairly common. Combine the high price, confusion over who is responsible, property owners routinely paying for walls that aren't theirs, and questionable city violations, and it pays to do research before you commit to writing a big check.

Here's what we can do for you in an initial assessment with Plan A ...  

  • An initial assessment by FixThisWall's Elizabeth Howell is $1000 and includes:
  • On-site review of your property and the retaining wall; 
  • Analyze survey of the property (you provide survey); 
  • Research and analyze relevant property documents, including a limited document search; and 
  • Provide written assessment so you have an understanding of responsibility, based on the information we uncover.

Or, there is also Plan B ... 

  • Buy an hour of time at $250/hour.  This includes in-person, telephone, or by email to review a project, document search, assessments, review a violation, strategy or other matters within our scope of expertise.

Other Work

Additional work is billed hourly.  Other team professionals that we engage charge hourly or charge project fees that will be disclosed, if they are need.  

The Team That Beat the City of Minneapolis

Read more about us here.